Pictures of Unnamed Students. Students may occasionally appear in photographs and videotapes taken by school staff members, other students, or other individuals authorized by the Building Principal. The school may use these pictures, without identifying the student, in various publications, including the school yearbook, school newspaper, school website, and social media. No consent or notice is needed or will be given before the school uses pictures of unnamed students taken while they are at school or a school-related activity.
Pictures of Named Students.Many times, however, the school will want to identify a student in a school picture. School officials want to acknowledge those students who participate in a school activity or deserve special recognition.
In order for the school to publish a picture with a student identified by name, one of the student’s parents or guardians must sign a consent form. Please sign this form to allow the school to publish and otherwise use photographs and videotapes, with your child or ward identified, while he or she is enrolled in this school district.
Pictures of Students Taken by Non-School Agencies. While the school limits access to school buildings by outside photographers, it has no control over news media or other entities that may publish a picture of a named or unnamed student. School staff members will not, however, identify a student for an outside photographer.