Post Lottery Application 2025-2026

Please complete and submit one Post Lottery form for each child for the 2025-2026 school year. The lottery application window closed on February 14, 2025, at 11:59 pm.  This application is considered a Post Lottery Application. As such, it will not be included in the lottery scheduled for March 7, 2025.

Post-lottery applications will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist for the requested grade in the order they are received. If seats remain available after all lottery applicants have been placed, we will reach out to you regarding potential enrollment.

An application may be submitted for a child if he/she turns five (5) years old on or before August 31, 2025. Sterling Montessori administration will determine the appropriate grade placement for each student after enrollment based on factors such as age, maturity, and academic background.

You will have a chance to print this Lottery Application once it has been submitted.
Note: If you close your browser or begin another Lottery Application for a sibling, you will no longer be able to print for this student.

Lottery Application

Student Information

Please list first, middle and last names as they appear on the student's birth certificate.

For Kindergarten admissions, the student must be 5 years old on or before August 31 of the enrollment year (N.C.G.S. llSC-364).

Multiple births are entered together on this application and in the lottery. One application only.

Student Address

Applicant Information

Note: N.C.G.S. 115C-218.45(i) states: Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a charter school may refuse admission to any student who has been expelled or suspended from a public school under G.S. 115C-390.5 through G.S. 115C-390.11 until the period of suspension or expulsion is expired.

Note: N.C.G.S. 115C- 218.45(f)(1) states that the definition of siblings includes:

Parent or Legal Guardian Information

By law, the student must currently reside with a parent/court-appointed legal guardian in North Carolina to apply.

Mother or Legal Guardian #1

Father or Legal Guardian #2

Parent or Legal Guardian Signature

The district (Sterling Montessori Academy and Charter School) acknowledges the electronic signature typed below like a signature on a paper form.

I understand that this is a Post Lottery application and it will go to the bottom of the waitlist and will not be included in the Lottery held on March 7, 2025. I verify the above information to be correct, and I understand that completion of this Post Lottery form does not guarantee placement for my child at Sterling Montessori Academy & Charter School. I further understand that I cannot register my child without appropriate residence documentation and that only one application can be submitted per child. Any misrepresentations may result in this application being eliminated and/or the applicant’s dismissal from school. I further understand that it is my responsibility as the Parent or Legal Guardian to immediately inform the district of any changes to the application or contact information provided.

Furthermore, from March 7, 2025, through July 21, 2025, I understand that I will have 7 days to communicate the decision to either accept or decline Sterling’s offer of enrollment. If Sterling Montessori does not receive a written response to the offer of enrollment by the close of business (4:00 PM) after 7 days, the lack of response will be considered an effective "decline" of the offer. My child's name will be placed at the end of the waitlist for their grade level. Thirty (30) days prior to the first day of school (July 22, 2025), I will have 3 days to reply to an offer. Also, beginning one week prior to the first day of school (August 14, 2025) and through the thirty-fifth (35th) academic day, I understand that I will have 24 hours to accept or decline Sterling Montessori’s offer of enrollment.

A copy of the student's birth certificate and proof of residence is required with acceptance. Applications received after the lottery application deadline will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist. Sterling Montessori Academy and Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, disability, military status or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its policies and programs.

Submission Confirmation Email

Please enter an email address below if you wish to receive a submission confirmation email.
