School Choice Application 2025-2026

Student Information

If your student is interested in attending a school in the Jordan Virtual Learning Academy (Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary, Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle, or Kings Peak High), please visit This permit application is not necessary for Jordan Virtual Learning Academy schools.

Students participating in a District program (such as ALPS or DLI) do not require an out-of-boundary permit to start a program. If the student withdraws from the program, an out-of-boundary permit would be required to remain enrolled at the school where the program is located if it is not the student's boundary school.

Student Address

School Choice Selection

Only one school choice selection is required.

Characters Remaining:

Applicant Information


Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Parent/Legal Guardian 1

This parent/guardian will be contacted to communicate lottery results.

The below email will be used for communication purposes.

Provisional Enrollment

A student may be denied an open enrollment opportunity if the student has been suspended or expelled from a public school consistent with 53G-6-402(6) and 53G-6-403(3)(b).

A student with prior behavioral problems may be granted provisional enrollment provided the student and parent sign an agreement with the school or the school district (1) establishing the conditions of continued enrollment, and (2) notifying the parents/student that the student will be excluded from the school if the agreement is violated. The school or school district is responsible for the agreement as allowed under Section 53G-6-403(3)(c).


I understand that all transfer requests are contingent on early enrollment school capacity ('maximum capacity') or late enrollment school capacity ('adjusted capacity'), special program limitations, staff availability, and/or circumstances under Section 53G-6-403(3). If this request is granted, I agree that my child must remain at the requested school through the end of the requested school year. I understand that I, as parent or guardian, am responsible for transportation of my student to and from school. I understand that a student's acceptance into a school or school district does not establish UHSAA (student athletic or activity) eligibility.

An enrolled nonresident student shall be permitted to remain enrolled, subject to the same rules and standards as resident students, without renewed applications in subsequent years unless any of the following occurs:

  • the student moves from elementary to middle school, middle to high school, graduates, or is no longer a Utah resident
  • the student is suspended or expelled from school
  • the district determines that school enrollment will exceed the open enrollment threshold

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature

The District treats the following signature like a signature on a paper form.

I verify the above information to be correct, and I understand that completion of this form does not guarantee placement in a school. I further understand that I cannot register my child without appropriate address documentation and that only one application can be submitted per child.

I understand that a child admitted under false information is illegally enrolled and could result in disenrollment upon discovery. I further understand that it is my responsibility as the Parent/Legal Guardian to immediately inform the District of any changes to the information provided.
