Drug Testing 2024-2025

This form is only for High School Students

Student Information

Drug Testing

Click here to view the Drug Testing Policy, then indicate that you agree below.

We have reviewed a copy of the Yorktown Community School Corporation Drug Testing Policy and have read and understand the policy.

We desire that my student be permitted to participate in extra-curricular activities and/or drive to school, and hereby voluntarily agree to be subject to the terms of this program during the entire course of extra-curricular participation and/or permit to participate as a Student Driver, in Yorktown High School/Yorktown Middle School.

We accept the method of obtaining urine samples, testing of such specimen, and all other aspects of the program as explained in the policy. We agree that the above named student will cooperate in furnishing urine specimens whenever requested within the specifications of this policy. We further consent to the disclosure of sampling, testing, and results as explained in this policy.

The consent given pursuant to all State and Federal Privacy Statutes and is a waiver of rights to non-disclosure of such test records and results only to the extent of the disclosure in the program.

Parent Notification

Electronic Signature

The signature below will be treated by Yorktown Community Schools the same as an original handwritten signature on a paper form.

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature

I verify that all of the information contained in this form is correct and accurate. In the event that I move from the above residence, I will notify the school and provide documentation of the new address.

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