1. If you are considering virtual on-line courses for your child, the following district and state virtual instruction programs are cost free and available to Florida residents with an established Home School Program:
District – Sarasota Virtual Academy – (941) 924-1365 x62360
State – Florida Virtual School PT Flex Program – (800) 374-1430
Please contact these programs directly for steps on registering your student.
2. Parents/Guardians must submit the required Annual Evaluation and a written Notice of Termination upon completion of the Home Education Program to Sarasota County Schools within 30 days of terminating.
3. Students enrolled in home school education established by a parent/guardian are not eligible to receive a high school diploma from Sarasota County Schools.
Information requested in this section is not required to register a student(s) in a home school program established by a parent/guardian.This section may be completed or left blank.
By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.